Manhaj & Mazhab: What’s The Difference

Inayah Abbas
4 min readApr 18, 2024


Earlier this month, I have witnessed the escalated awareness concerning to people’s effort in understanding the true concept of Islam through media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok. Starters, we need to profess that Islam is the religion of lots of adherent. It has its complexity and ways in practicing it. Unfortunately, there are various religious sects that have attributed their identity to Islam based on the Qur’an and Sunnah, but in reality, they are far afield from it.

In the purity of Islam, there is only one method to practice Qur’an and the Sunnah, and it is called The Way of Salaf

What is The Way of Salaf? And Why is it The Only Method?

The Way of Salaf or to be more direct ‘Manhaj Salaf’ is the method/way/path in understanding the religion of Allah that is oriented towards the purity of Islam, namely the Qur’an, the Sunnah of the Prophet Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam, and the Sahaba. Linguistically, Manhaj is a bright and a clear path towards the syari’ah of Islam (Tafseer Ibnu Katsir III/129). Other wordly, Manhaj is the way of Islam or the Islam itself. Hence, Manhaj Salaf is not a sect, neither an ‘ism’, unlike of what people have misunderstood.

Meanwhile, the word ‘Salaf’ is referring to 3 generations according to a shahih Hadith Al-Bukhari №2509, which are the generation of the Sahaba (the ones who have met the Prophet in the state of believing and died believing in Islam), the generation of the Tabi’in (the ones who directly learn from the Sahaba but never met the Prophet), and lastly the generation of Tabi’ut Tabi’in (the ones who directly learn from the Tabi’in). Those are the best 3 early generations or also known as the Salaf.

And then what?

And then the problem is, the Manhaj needs to be the correct one. The one that is straight, the one that is not deviated from Allah’s command and what the Prophet has already said and performed, the one that is completely aligned with the understanding of the Salaf. The right Manhaj is only about that. The right Manhaj will not claim such modificated, new inventations in the respect of the Syari’ah or any act of worship. The right Manhaj is easy, is pure, and authentic.

The right act of worship is not coming from your mere logic or feelings.

Instead, it should be coming from what the Qur’an says and what Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam has taught us. That is why, Manhaj Salaf is well-known as the purity of Islam, because it is the only way to understand and pratice the Qur’an and Sunnah, and the only method to understand the Syari’ah.

When it comes to understanding and applying Islam, “why?” is never a smart enigma to eject. The only righteous act to carry out is Sami’na wa Atho’na (We Hear and We Obey), because Islam is already a perfect religion even when some things inside it don’t make sense to you. Islam is not depending on your desire or what you need to hear, but it is depending on The King of kings, and that is Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.

What is Mazhab?

Mazhab itself is different from Manhaj. Still, there are some of us who undergo some difficulties to understand the gap between those two. But, what you need to highlight is in the end Manhaj and Mazhab are yet pretty much connected.

Mazhab is the way of the cleric (ulama) to decree laws in Islam. For instance, obligated, sunnah, halal, haram, mubah/permissible, makruh, etc. There are 4 Mazhab that are in accordance with Qur’an and Sunnah and we can follow, i.e:

  1. Mazhab Syafi’i (Imam Syafi’i)
  2. Mazhab Maliki (Imam Malik bin Anas)
  3. Mazhab Hanafi (Imam Abu Hanifah)
  4. Mazhab Hambali (Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal)

Now, the catchy part is all of those Imam Mazhab are the part of Salaf generations. They are the Tabi’ut Tabi’in. Furthermore, Imam Abu Hanifah is apparently claimed by some of clerics as a Tabi’in because he had met one of the Sahaba which is Anas bin Malik.

Hence, Manhaj and Mazhab are different. But to simplify things, usually, I would personally say that Mazhab is a part of Manhaj. Because, by following one of the 4 Mazhab, we are automatically following the way of Salaf.

Lastly, my message is everything that you do and you will ever do that are connected to Islam, please do re-check if what you’re doing is right and correct based on any dalil according to the Qur’an and the Sunnah. It is very important to have the right understanding towards Islam. Stop doing things that Rasulullah has never actually taught us cause it would be such a waste of time and energy. Be wise, smart, and more critical in religion. Educate yourself deeply not only about worldly knowledge, but also for eternity, apply it as much as you can, and fight for it.

Peace to you.



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